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- Virtual 2600 Amiga (v2600), An Atari 2600 Emulator
- ==================================================
- Amiga version 0.83. This is BETA software. Please report any bugs.
- ===========
- Virtual 2600 Amiga is an emulation of the Atari 2600 video game system,
- otherwise known as the Atari VCS, or Video Computer System. It can read
- ROM files of the following types: .bin binary images, Commodore .prg
- format files, Activision Action Pack .bin files, and the new .c26 Common
- 2600 file format files. It uses regular Amiga joysticks, and can use the
- mouse to emulate paddles. Many existing Atari 2600 cartridges can be used
- with this emulator. Even sound is supported, more or less...
- ============
- Any fast Amiga, 020 or better, OS 3.0 or better.
- Fast RAM recommended.
- The faster the Amiga, the better.
- Atari 2600 ROMs (one included: Okie-Dokie)
- =====
- Double-click on the v2600 icon to bring up the window. The Command Line
- Interface has been removed. Too bad, eh? ;^)
- Load ROM
- Click on the "Load ROM" button to bring up a file requester. It will only
- display files that are valid with v2600. When you select a ROM, the
- filename and path will be shown in the box next to the "Load ROM" button.
- You can just type in the name of a ROM you want to load in this box if you
- don't care to use the file requester. Be careful what you load, since
- there is no way to thoroughly check that you are using a real Atari ROM.
- Loading other files could crash your computer.
- Refresh Rate
- This will set how often the screen will be updated. For example, if you
- set the Refresh Rate to 2, it will only refresh every-other-frame. This
- can speed up the graphics rendering, but can also cause some games to look
- pretty bad.
- System Type
- This will allow you to emulate either a PAL or NTSC Atari.
- Left Controller
- Right Controller
- Paddle Control
- This allows you to select what type of controller the left and right
- players will use. If you select "Joystick", then a standard Amiga joystick
- may be used. In case you didn't already know, Amiga joysticks are
- compatible with Atari joysticks, so you can use the original Atari
- joysticks for a really authentic (not to mention uncomfortable) experience.
- The "Left Controller", which is used by "Player 1" in most games, uses the
- joystick port (Port 1) on your Amiga. To use the "Right Controller", you
- must remove your mouse from the mouse port (Port 0), and replace it with a
- joystick. If you want to play a paddle game, you can change to "Paddle".
- The Amiga mouse is used to emulate an Atari paddle. Real Atari paddles are
- not supported at this time. If you set the "Paddle Control" to "Use Mouse
- X", then you can move the mouse left and right (along the X-axis) to
- emulate a paddle. If you change the "Paddle Control" to "Use Mouse Y",
- then you can move the mouse up and down (along the Y-axis) to emulate a
- paddle. Atari racing paddles and keyboard controllers are not supported at
- this time.
- Bank Switching
- The Atari could only address about 6k from a cartridge ROM, so for games
- requiring more memory, special hardware is used to "switch banks" of ROM
- memory. Since this is done with hardware, emulating this can be tricky,
- because there is no way to determine if a ROM requires this. It was up to
- the game manufacturer to decide what type of bank switching hardware they
- wanted to use. Thankfully there were a few companies that stuck with a
- standard chip. The bank switching schemes emulated are Atari 8k, for most
- 8k Atari-manufactured ROMs, Atari 16k for most 16k Atari-manufactured ROMs,
- Parker 8k for most 8k Parker-Brothers-manufactured ROMs, CBS for most
- CBS-manufactured ROMs, and Atari Super Chip for Atari-manufactured ROMs
- that use it. If the ROM you want to play is 6k or less, you can most
- likely choose NONE for no banking, since it's not necessary for small ROMs.
- It's a guessing game for other ROMs, though. Unfortunately, large
- Activision ROMs are not yet supported. Currently, bank switching is fairly
- unstable. Choosing the wrong bank switching method could lock-up or crash
- your computer.
- Video Output
- This allows you to select the video output mode of the emulator.
- "Workbench Screen" opens a window on the Workbench. The more colors your
- Workbench can display, the better. "Custom Screen" opens a separate screen
- for output. Both of these modes use the WritePixelArray8()
- chunky-to-planar routine. "Fast & Ugly" uses a custom screen, and uses a
- custom c2p routine. It's the fastest method, but it can be flickery.
- Sound Output
- If you check this box, Atari sound will be emulated. This will slow down
- the emulator considerably, so only use it if you have a really beefy
- machine. Only pure sounds are supported. White noise, which is used in
- explosions and other sound effects, is not emulated. This will make some
- games sound bad. Sorry.
- Start
- Press the "Start" button to play the selected ROM. If you haven't selected
- a ROM, the "Start" button will be "greyed-out", and won't function. When
- you press "Start", all the current settings are saved to a file called
- "v2600.opts" in the directory that v2600 resides in.
- ================
- For the sake of faster emulation and cleaner code, keyboard emulation of
- the joystick has been removed. It will only be added if there is a big
- demand for it.
- ================
- The Atari 2600 has several switches on the console which perform various
- functions. The keyboard equivalents are:
- F1 or R Reset
- F2 or S Select
- F3 or B Color/BW
- F4 Left Player Amateur (B on some Ataris)
- F5 Left Player Pro (A on some Ataris)
- F6 Right Player Amateur (B on some Ataris)
- F7 Right Player Pro (A on some Ataris)
- ESC or F10 Quit
- ===========
- The original Virtual 2600 is copyright 1995/96 Alex Hornby.
- Virtual 2600 Amiga is copyright 1998 Matthew Stroup.
- Virtual 2600 is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU
- General Public License. This means that the source code needs to be
- available. To cut down on archive size, I will make the source available
- on my web page in a separate archive.
- =======
- Virtual 2600 Amiga:
- Matthew Stroup
- stroupm@jps.net
- http://www.jps.net/stroupm/v2600.htm
- When I saw that the Virtual 2600 code was available to be ported, I thought
- it would be a challenging project. Unfortunately, it runs about 4-5 fps on
- my 50MHz 68030. Most of the speed problems stem from the fact that Virtual
- 2600 was intended to run on PC hardware. A great deal of time is spent
- emulating PC hardware, not an Atari 2600. Both my code and Alex Hornby's
- original code are in beta stages. Later versions will hopefully be faster.
- Amiga v2600 was compiled using SAS/C 6.58. The source code for the Amiga
- version is available on my web page, as per the GNU public license. To get
- the original source code, or source code for other platforms, check the
- Virtual 2600 home page.
- Virtual 2600:
- Alex Hornby
- ahornby@zetnet.co.uk
- http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/ahornby/v2600.html
- The original Virtual 2600 is the result of Alex Hornby's 3rd year
- university project. His aim is to preserve old computer games that would
- otherwise be lost to the world.
- ===============
- Please don't e-mail me asking for ROMs, because I won't give them to you.
- Someone has uploaded a file to Aminet that includes nearly every Atari 2600
- ROM in existence. I will put a link to that file on my web page. I highly
- recommend only using the ROMs that you actually own. Doing otherwise can
- be copyright infringement, although some of the copyrights for Atari 2600
- software have expired long ago. I have included a freeware game,
- OkieDokie, with the permission of Bob Colbert and Retroware.
- If you have any comments, suggestions, or bug reports, please send me
- e-mail at stroupm@jps.net. I'll try to get back to you as soon as
- possible. I no longer receive e-mail at stroupm@inreach.com or
- stroupm@csus.edu.
- ===============
- If a game doesn't seem to be working, it's probably because you selected
- the wrong banking type. It is possible that your memory is getting
- trashed, and v2600 may freeze up, requiring a reset. This is apparently
- caused by faulty bank switching, which has been noted by the original
- author. I have not, however, had any Enforcer hits. It would be a good
- idea to reset your Amiga after using v2600, though, and don't do anything
- important in the background. You've been warned! ;^)
- Some games, such as Activision's Pitfall II, had custom hardware in the
- cartridge, which makes emulation impossible. Although many games work,
- there are quite a few that won't. Your best bet is to just experiment.
- Have fun!
- ======================
- * Support for real Atari paddles.
- * Support (real or emulated) for Atari racing controllers.
- * Support (real or emulated) for Atari keyboard controllers.
- * Make it faster.
- * Improve sound emulation.
- * Eliminate hardware banging for compatibility with future Amigas.